What is grandparent scam? Scammers pretend to be grandchildren online fraud

What is grandparent scam? Scammers pretend to be grandchildren online fraud

What is Grandparent Scam: Cybercrime cases are increasing rapidly in the country. Common people are getting very upset due to the increasing cases of cybercrime. Even scammers are adopting new methods every day to scam people and make people their victims. One new method among these is the Grandparent Scam, through which the elderly are being targeted.

In this type of scam, scammers pretend that their grandchild or close relative is in trouble. It is very important for you and your family to know about this scam. Along with this, it is also important to know the ways to avoid it, so that you can be alert in advance so that this does not happen to you in the future.

Scammers claim to be your relatives

Actually, in the grandparent scam, scammers call the victim and claim that he is his grandson or a close relative. After this, they make an excuse of being stuck in trouble like a car accident, being arrested abroad or any serious illness or medical emergency and then demand money. Scammers also tell the elderly not to mention this incident to anyone. After this, the scammers ask the elderly to send money online.

What is the way to avoid this?

If grandparents ever receive such a call and the person claims to be your acquaintance, you should be alert. If he asks for money from you, you need to be cautious. Also, confirm before sending money online. Apart from this, do not share your personal information to avoid this fraud.

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