What is the method by which experts tell by looking at the computer where the monsoon has reached and when the rain will come?

What is the method by which experts tell by looking at the computer where the monsoon has reached and when the rain will come?

Will it rain frequently or heavily in your city? , When will the web hit, You must have heard news like cold alert. The weather department gives the news about the weather in advance. . In such a situation, have you ever wondered how the weather department knows what the weather will be like in the coming times? ? Many times the weather department also issues alerts, So where does the weather department get all this information from?? Let us bring you the answers to all your questions.

This is how the weather is forecasted

Many factors are responsible for weather forecast. Whenever the weather has to be predicted in the future, the temperature of the atmosphere and the ground surface is measured with the help of various instruments. , moisture, Wind speed and direction, dew, The condition of clouds etc. is checked

Many instruments are also used for this. For example, when rainfall is to be detected, a rain gauge is used. , Anemometer for measuring wind speed, Windvane for wind direction, Pen for measuring the rate of evaporationEvaporimeter, Sunshine Recorder, Dueges for dew, Thermometer is used to measure the temperature of the ground.

High speed computer is used to collect data

HighSpeed ​​Computer, Meteorological satellites, Air balloons and weather radar are very important. Once this data is collected, it is then studied, Current data and past weather data are also viewed. After this the weather is forecasted.

How do we know where it will be hot and where it will rain?

The Meteorological Department has many types of satellites available, who keeps sending pictures of clouds. This helps the weather department to estimate where there are clouds and where there are none. . However, by looking at the clouds, we can only guess which place will be sunny and which place will be cloudy..

However, this does not tell whether it is going to rain or not. To predict rainfall, we need to see how much water is in the clouds. For this, a radar is launched from the earth towards the sky. The waves sent through those radars collide with the clouds and come back and after studying them, a conclusion is drawn about where there is a possibility of rain. .

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