Skin Cancer: A disturbing news is coming from the family of Priyanka Chopra, who has become a global star after her tremendous success in Bollywood. Priyanka’s husband Nick Jonas’ elder brother Kevin Jonas has skin cancer and is undergoing treatment in the hospital. Nick Jonas’ elder brother Kevin Jonas has given an update on his health through his social media from the hospital itself. Kevin has uploaded a video on his Instagram and told that he has skin cancer and he recently underwent surgery for it.
What is Basal Cell Carcinoma
The skin cancer that Kevin has is called basal cell carcinoma. Actually, basal cell carcinoma was found in a mole on Kevin’s head. When this form of skin cancer was detected during the examination, surgery was done for it. Basal cell carcinoma is actually a type of skin cancer that starts growing in the basal cells. Basal cells are present just below the upper layer of our skin and these cells keep creating new cells in the skin. These cells are present in a transparent form in the lower part of the skin.
Why does basal cell carcinoma occur?
Health experts say that basal cell carcinoma occurs due to prolonged exposure to sunlight. People who are exposed to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays or use tanning beds for a long time are more prone to this skin cancer than others. If a person stays in the sun for a long time, cancer-causing cells are formed in the basal cells of his skin.
These warts appear on the skin in the form of bumps or wounds. Often pink or red bumps appear on the forehead, nose, lower lip, cheeks, neck and ears. Sometimes it appears like a rash on the skin which starts itching and forms a scab. Wounds appear. Sometimes the wound bursts and starts bleeding. Blood cells are visible inside it. In many situations, a wart on the face or hands and feet can also be a symptom of basal cell carcinoma.
Treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma
Let us tell you that treatment of basal cell carcinoma is possible. If its initial symptoms are identified, then it can be removed by doing a biopsy. Actually, by doing a biopsy, the doctor can separate a specific part of the skin cancer from the skin. Treatment of basal cell carcinoma is possible in India as well. Apart from government hospitals, surgery for basal cell carcinoma is also available in private hospitals. Surgery for basal cell carcinoma costs between 2 to 5 lakh rupees in a private hospital.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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