World Wind Day how were air and oxygen created on Earth science history

World Wind Day how were air and oxygen created on Earth science history

World Wind Day 2024: Worldwide 15 July is being celebrated as World Air Day2007 It was celebrated for the first time in, Air is an important part of our life but very few people think about its importance, In such a situation, has this thought ever come to your mind that how oxygen is produced on earth and how air was created?, Let us know this today on this special occasion,

How air was created on earth,

If life was not possible on Earth today, perhaps no one would be able to survive, But you will be surprised to know that oxygen was not always present on Earth, Rather, oxygen began to form on Earth after some events,

Researchers from Britain’s Imperial College London did a research a few years ago, in which it was claimed that from today onwards 3.6 Oxygen first began to form on Earth billions of years ago, Until now scientists believed that cyanobacteria were producing oxygen on Earth, However, new research has revealed that oxygen formation on our Earth had begun almost a billion years before the presence of these microbes on Earth., Scientists are constantly doing this because they believe that the species of micro-organisms already existed on Earth and hence, they are different,different organisms were emerging, At present, oxygen is produced on earth in two ways: first by light and second by synthesis,

How is air formed on Earth?,

first things first, We all know that our Earth, is surrounded by layers of gas molecules, what is called the atmosphere, It contains mainly nitrogen, Oxygen, Helium, Neon, Contains gases like methane and carbon dioxide, The atmosphere is approximately 320 exists up to a height of kilometres, When the molecules of these gases gain motion it is called wind., Air has existed on Earth for billions of years,

Now the question arises that how does the wind blow, So let us tell you that when the sun heats the surface of the earth, it also heats the atmosphere., The parts which are directly exposed to the sun become hot, The place where the sun rays fall obliquely is cold, Now, the part where the rays fall strongly, its surface will get heated as well as, the air gets hotter too, This hot air is lighter than cold air, This is the reason why it keeps rising and starts spreading, cold air comes down to take its place, The faster it comes down, the faster the wind will blow,

Also read: Whoever has bought a plot on the moon, can he build a house there? How possible is this according to science?

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