Car, bus or train… this seat is considered the safest in any type of vehicle

Car, bus or train… this seat is considered the safest in any type of vehicle

While travelling, everyone has this question in their mind that which is the safest seat in the vehicle in which they are sitting. Let us tell you today which is the safest seat in a car, train, bus and plane. Along with this, we will also tell you what you should do first if any accident happens during the journey.

Safest seat in a car

If you are travelling in a 7 seater car. Then you should not sit on the front or the back seat but on the middle seat. Experts believe that the middle seat in a car is the safest. Even if you are in a small car, sit on the middle seat. This is the reason why people make the elderly and children sit on the middle seat.

Safest seat in a bus

On the other hand, if you are travelling in a bus, then try to take the seat number 30 to 35. That is, the seat which is above the middle tyres. This seat is considered the safest. If you are on this seat in the bus, then the chances of you getting injured during an accident are less as compared to other passengers.

The safest seat in the train

If you are travelling by train, then keep two things in mind. First, you should book your seat in the middle bogie of the train. Second, you should book the middle seat even in the middle bogie. Here middle seat does not mean the middle berth. Middle seat means seat numbered 33 to 35. Actually, there are 72 seats in an AC3 coach.

Which seat is safe in a plane

The issue is different with planes. On one hand, the safest seat in a car, bus and train is considered to be the middle seat. On the other hand, the safest seat in a plane is considered to be the back seat. According to experts, passengers sitting at the back in a plane are 40 percent safer than the passengers sitting on other seats. Many logics are given behind this. For example, it is easier to get out from the rear seat after an accident. The rear part of the plane is away from the engine, so that is the part that is least damaged during an accident.

Also read: The flight did not reach its destination even after flying for 10 hours…when it landed, the passengers held their heads, know here

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