The snake that bit the child was packed in a polythene bag by the father and son and taken to the hospital, the whole matter is unique

The snake that bit the child was packed in a polythene bag by the father and son and taken to the hospital, the whole matter is unique

Harikant Sharma/Agra: You must have heard many incidents of snake bite but a unique case related to snake bite has come to light in Agra. Actually, a minor child was bitten by a snake while sleeping on the bed last night. The minor took the snake that bit him in a polythene bag and reached the hospital. Actually, when the parents saw the snake, they immediately put it in a polythene bag and took it to the district hospital with the child. Where they showed the snake wrapped in polythene to the doctor.

The snake was hiding in the bed all night
The son was sleeping on his bed at night and when he woke up in the morning, a snake was present on his bed. He was shocked to see this scene and there was chaos in the family as well. When the parents checked the son’s hand, some marks were seen on the hand. They thought that the child has been bitten by a snake. Therefore, the family members took the child to the district hospital in Agra and also took the snake which was found on the child’s bed. Currently, the child has been kept under observation in the emergency of the district hospital.

The incident is from Kalindi Bihar. Raj Kishore lives with his entire family in Kalindi Bihar. Last night, everyone went to sleep after dinner, but when the son woke up in the morning, he was shocked. There was a small baby snake on his bed. Seeing the baby snake on the bed, there was a lot of screaming. When the child was checked immediately, a mark like a snake bite was seen on his hand. The family hurriedly took the child to the district hospital in Agra. They also took the baby snake which was found on the bed. The baby snake looked dead. The doctors checked the child and admitted him to the emergency.

FIRST PUBLISHED : June 20, 2024, 19:44 IST

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