International Yoga Day on 21 June 2024 important postures of yoga mentioned in Bhagavad Gita

International Yoga Day on 21 June 2024 important postures of yoga mentioned in Bhagavad Gita

International Yoga Day 2024: World Yoga Day (Yoga Diwas 2024) is celebrated every year on 21 June with the aim of promoting the importance of yoga worldwide. Yoga has many physical and mental benefits. But from a religious point of view, yoga is not just an action or a word but a path to meet God.

According to the Gita (Bhagavad Gita), man is mainly related to three types of yoga. Which are as follows:- Gyanyoga, Karmayoga and Bhaktiyoga. According to Lord Krishna, Karmayoga is considered the most important among all the yogas. During the Mahabharata war, Lord Krishna tells Arjun that Karmayoga is the biggest yoga of life. Because this is such a yoga from which no person can ever be free.

Shri Krishna says that not only people but even God is bound by Karma Yoga and even he himself is not free from Karma Yoga. During the Mahabharata war, when Arjun was bound by attachment, illusion and family ties and was hesitant to shoot arrows, then Shri Krishna gave him the knowledge of many yoga mudras. The dirt of the mind can be cleaned with these yoga mudras. But are these yoga mudras beneficial even in the modern era? Let us know about these yoga mudras described in the Gita-

Nostalgia Yoga: Vishada means sadness. When Arjun saw his own people in front of him on the battlefield, he was filled with sadness. Then the teachings that Krishna gave to Arjun to remove this fear from his mind came to be known as Geeta Gyan. Shri Krishna removed the sadness from Arjun’s mind due to which he got ready for the war.

Samkhya Yoga: There comes a time in every man’s life when he feels that he is being overcome by sorrow. In such a situation, one should analyze Sankhya Yoga. Sankhya Yoga means analyzing the male tendency. It is made up of fire, earth, water, air and sky and in the end it has to merge into the same.

Karma Yoga: This is the biggest yoga of life, which is for humans, gods and planets. Karma is the first religion of a person. The sun and the moon also keep moving on their path of karma. Similarly, every person should do his work while being diligent.

Jnana Yoga: Shri Krishna says that Gyan Yoga is like Amrit because there is nothing more valuable than knowledge.

Karma Vairagya Yoga: It is the duty of every person to keep doing work. But there should be no desire to get anything in return for work. That is why it is said in the Gita that, do your work and do not worry about the result. This is called Karma Vairagya Yoga.

Dhyana Yoga: This yoga is very important for evaluating oneself. This yoga brings together the mind and brain.

Science Yoga: Vigyan Yoga means to search for something. This search can be anything like truth, penance, knowledge etc.

Akshar Brahma Yoga: Through this yoga, one attains Brahma, Adhidev, spirituality and self-restraint. Through this yoga, a person purifies his mind and adopts new thoughts afresh.

Raj Vidya Guha Yoga: This yoga is both secret and sacred. This yoga purifies the soul, mind and consciousness. The one who adopts this yoga becomes free from every bondage. Shri Krishna tells Arjun, by knowing this yoga you will get liberation and you will be free from pain and sorrows. You will be free from the complexities that surround you in the battlefield. Because freedom is the ultimate desire of every soul.

Vibhuti Vistara Yoga: Through this yoga man comes closer to God.

Yoga of Vishwaroop Darshan: As soon as one adopts this yoga, one gets the vision of the divine form. That is why it is considered to be an eternal yoga.

Bhakti Yoga: Bhakti yoga is the best way to attain God. Without this yoga, how can one find God?

Sector Division Total: Through this yoga, the secrets of the soul, the divine and knowledge are known. The one who learns this yoga becomes a Sadhak Yogi.

These yoga postures told by Lord Krishna to Arjuna are very important even in today’s modern times and are needed by the people. By adopting these yoga postures, the dirt of the mind can be cleaned, knowledge can be gained, one can be freed from attachment and God can also be found.

read this also: International Yoga Day 2024: What does Buddhism say about yoga, is it the path to attain salvation?

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on beliefs and information only. It is important to mention here that Any kind of belief or information is not confirmed. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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