health tips overeating during sports events increase study

health tips overeating during sports events increase study

Overeating During Sports Event : These days the T20 World Cup is in full swing. After this the Olympics will begin. In such a situation, sports lovers remain glued to the TV all day. If you also do this, then a new study warns you. This study says that people who watch sports events overeat. In this, men are far ahead of women. This study states that watching events in front of the screen also increases the craving for sweets. This research has been done by Grenoble Ecole de Management of France.

Men eat more while watching sports
This research has found that men eat more food than women while watching sports on the screen. Their cravings increase more. Associate Professor Janine Lasaleta of Yeshiva University, who was a part of this research, said that people are more active while watching sports than watching other programs on the screen. The desire to eat becomes a part of this. During this time, one feels more like eating sweets.

The craving for sweets increases in sports that involve a lot of running
This research has found that while watching sports that involve a lot of running around, the craving for sweets increases a lot. The most positive thing found in this research is that the desire for fitness increases among those who watch sports events. Many people also start exercising. There are some people who assume that they have exercised just by watching sports. This is the reason why they feel like eating. The research shows that after watching sports, people find it easier to workout.

Where do people watch sports events the most?
A survey has found that people of Chennai have the highest binge-watching habits, i.e. the habit of watching TV continuously. People here, once they sit down to watch a web series, get up only after completing it. 50% of the participants from Chennai who took part in this survey have admitted that they finish the entire series in one go.

Earlier, in a survey in 2014, it was found that people of Chennai watch more TV than other metro cities. After this, people of Hyderabad watch the most TV, their number is 34%. Let us tell you that this survey has been conducted in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Lucknow apart from Chennai and Hyderabad.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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