home safety tips follow these tips to keep your home current proof in rainy season

home safety tips follow these tips to keep your home current proof in rainy season

Electric Current Safety Tips: The rainy season has begun. Rain has knocked in many states of India. People have definitely got relief from the heat due to the arrival of rain. On one hand, rain has given relief to people. On the other hand, rain has also increased the worries of people. During the rainy season, current spreads very fast.

Incidents of electric shock keep coming up every day in this season. That is why it is important for people to take precautions in terms of safety in this season. How can you keep your house safe in the rainy season? Let’s know what things you need to keep in mind for this.

Take special care of the wiring of the house

During the rainy season, incidents of electric shock are often reported. Many times people even die in such accidents. The biggest source of electric shock during this season is the wiring of the house. Therefore, when you get the wiring done in the house, get it done by a recognized contractor only. And all the electric switches in the house should be of ISI marked brand. This reduces the chances of short circuit.

Be careful while using the plug

When you use any electric appliance during rainy season, always plug it in. Many people plug the wire directly into the switch. This increases the risk of short circuit in the wiring. If you are using a three pin plug, then you have to ensure that all three pins are tight and not loose. If the plug does not fit into the switch, do not use matchsticks at all.

Protect the walls from moisture

The current spreads rapidly as soon as it comes in contact with water. Therefore, during the rainy season, people need to protect their homes from moisture. For this, keep all the windows and doors of the house open for some time. So that fresh air can spread in the rooms and absorb the moisture.

keep electrical appliances unplugged

Generally people switch off the electrical appliances. But in such a situation they are not completely away from the contact of electricity. Therefore, when you are not using any appliance, unplug it.

Also read: Does running the fan on number one or two reduce the electricity bill? Know the truth today

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