Cannot invest in luxury watches, find out why

Cannot invest in luxury watches, find out why

Luxury Watches: luxury watches large,Big billionaires have hobbies, Rolex, Patek Philippe and Cartier watches are considered branded, But investing in these watches is not considered a good investment., Because their value changes frequently, We are not saying this but Rolex’s CAO Jean is saying this.,Frederic Dufour says this, He thinks it’s risky to treat watches as an investment, But let’s find out why,

Watches should not be compared with stock

Rolex’s Dufour said in an interview with a Swiss outlet earlier this month that, I don’t like it when people compare watches to stocks, This sends the wrong message and is dangerous, instead of this, He said that Rolex watches are more than an investment ,product, as are,

According to the Boston Consulting Group, Watches are often seen as investments as their value can increase over time and watches have in the past followed the booms and busts seen in the broader financial markets.COVID-19 During the pandemic, The prices of watches were rising, Which was somewhat in line with the high levels of the stock market,

How did the downfall of watches happen?,

Dufour’s statement on watches comes at a time when the world of watches is going through a long period of turmoil.,going through a period of turmoil, Because high interest rates and economic pressures are adding to the troubles of buyers, Rolex, Patek, The prices of luxury watches from Audemars Piguet and other companies have been falling for quite some time now because of the Covid-19 pandemic.-19 came after the pandemic, When people spent a lot of money on buying watches, Sub dials in London according to, In the last two years the price of second hand watches has increased by almost 40% there has been a decline of,

After the surge in demand for second-hand watches, The Swiss watch giant 2022 began issuing certificates marking the authenticity of Rolex watches in, The following year, Rolex made another surprise move by purchasing watch retailer Bucherer, This shows how a top watch brand will reach its customers.,

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