free ration scams beware follow these steps to avoid fraud

free ration scams beware follow these steps to avoid fraud

Ration Card Fraud: Many schemes are run by the central government and state governments. During the Corona period, a free ration scheme was run by the government. Crores of people benefited from this and this scheme is still in operation. A ration card is required to avail the benefits of this scheme and now new frauds are being carried out under the guise of ration cards.

Fraudsters are looting money from poor and needy people on the pretext of providing them free ration cards. Many such cases have come to light in the recent past. That is why today we will tell you how to be cautious and how to avoid it if someone tries to commit fraud on you in the name of ration card.

They ask for details on the pretext of getting ration card made

Fraudsters call people on the pretext of giving free ration. And lure them to get ration card made. And after this, they start asking for their confidential information like bank account number, ATM card number, CV and then OTP. If someone shares the information with the fraudsters, then their bank account is emptied within minutes.

Along with this, many times scammers call and say that your ration card has been cancelled and you will have to get it updated and some information will be required for this. In such a situation, people panic and give their information. Due to this, they get defrauded.

Do not share any information

First of all, let us tell you that you are never called to get a ration card made. Those who are eligible for it go to the ration dealer themselves and apply for it. If someone calls you claiming to be an officer of the Food and Logistics Department and asks for your bank’s confidential information. Then understand that it is a fraud. Because officials never call in this way and ask for information. When someone asks you for information in this way, never share any kind of information.

You can find out from the ration dealer yourself

If someone calls you and says that your ration card has been cancelled. To get it activated, you will have to share the OTP or Jalsaaj sends you a link on your phone and says that by clicking on this link your ration card will be activated. So never click on such a link, if you are getting ration regularly. Then understand that your ration card is active. If there is any problem in this, then you can go to the ration dealer and find out yourself.

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