health tips how to brush your teeth properly know right ways and mistakes

health tips how to brush your teeth properly know right ways and mistakes

Brush your teeth : Brushing your teeth improves oral health. The first thing we do after waking up in the morning is brushing our teeth. Only after this we eat or drink anything. Many people brush twice a day. They keep their mouth clean but despite this they face many problems with their teeth.

Actually, brushing properly is necessary to clean the teeth. Sometimes even small mistakes during brushing later become the cause of toothache, swollen gums, cavities and broken teeth. In such a situation, teeth can be saved from damage by keeping some things in mind.

Never brush your teeth after drinking coffee
According to dentists, if you are fond of drinking coffee, then never brush after drinking coffee. Doing so can cause serious damage to the teeth. Actually, the nature of coffee is acidic. When we drink coffee and brush, the acid rubs on the teeth and the teeth can get damaged.

According to experts, our teeth are made up of things like enamel, dentin and root cement. When we wake up in the morning, bacteria are covered. In such a situation, it is very important to remove them at the beginning of the day. If these are not removed, then the dinner stuck to the teeth will combine with the acidic nature of coffee and weaken the enamel, due to which the teeth can fall.

When to brush after drinking coffee
Dentists say that if you are unable to get rid of the habit of drinking coffee after waking up in the morning, then do not brush immediately after drinking it. Brush at least after half or 1 hour. If you want, you can rinse with mouthwash or drink water after coffee.

Do not brush immediately after vomiting
According to dentists, if you are vomiting due to any reason, you should avoid brushing immediately after that. Actually, whatever is in the stomach is acidic, whereas our teeth are made of minerals. When things from the stomach come into the mouth, the nature of the mouth also becomes acidic. In such a situation, brushing can transfer the acid to the teeth.

What damage does acid do to teeth?

1. Exposure of teeth to acids can cause them to weaken before age.
2. Acid contact with teeth can cause pain and infection.
3. Teeth can fall out due to acid coming in contact with them.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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