When you are stressed, go for a walk, your anxiety will vanish in 10 minutes, know how from a therapist

When you are stressed, go for a walk, your anxiety will vanish in 10 minutes, know how from a therapist

Benefits of walking : Stress has increased due to work pressure and deteriorating lifestyle. Due to which many types of physical and mental health issues occur. In such a situation, walking can be beneficial. Experts consider walking as a brain booster. It makes the brain bigger and improves memory. A research by the University of Virginia says that walking also reduces the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s in the elderly.

Many studies have shown that brisk walking for about 10 minutes also helps drive away negative thoughts. Some experts also believe that walking 10,000 steps daily keeps the heart, mind and body healthy.

Walking has tremendous benefits for the brain
According to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, walking a few steps or doing a little exercise every day can increase the size of the brain. This means the brain remains healthy. All its neurotransmitters work properly. This means there is no risk of dementia or Alzheimer’s.

walking reduces anxiety
Experts say that doing moderate exercise every day has a positive effect on the brain (Walking Benefits for Anxious). Walking for 20 to 30 minutes every day reduces the level of stress, depression and anxiety. During this time, the level of endorphin hormone increases in the body, which makes the stress disappear and you feel good.

the mood is good
Experts say that walking for a few minutes a day can improve your mood. This can reduce anxiety. The effect of walking is much more when you walk in nature. Walking strengthens muscles and bones and reduces their stress. Walking improves sleep and keeps the body healthy.

Is walking a substitute for exercise?

Walking is a form of exercise and it is very effective. It is often overlooked in favor of more intense exercise, but walking has many health benefits. So if you are not doing any kind of exercise or workout, you can make walking an option for fitness.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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