Oral Health Tips: Do people shy away from talking to you, is the bad smell from your mouth the reason? Know the ways to fix it

Oral Health Tips: Do people shy away from talking to you, is the bad smell from your mouth the reason? Know the ways to fix it

You are very sociable. Your behavior is very good. You are also famous among people, yet people move away while talking to you. The reason for this can also be the bad smell coming from your mouth. In fact, if we look at the statistics, about 55 percent of people around the world struggle with oral health problems, which also becomes a reason for embarrassment for them. Let us tell you why there is bad smell from the mouth and how can it be removed? 

Why does bad breath come from the mouth?

You brush your teeth daily. Even after this, if your mouth smells, then the problem may be in other internal parts of your body. In this case, we talked to Dr. AP Singh, Medicine and General Physician at Yashoda Hospital, Ghaziabad, and he told that many times people do not rinse their mouth after eating food. In such a situation, food particles stick to the teeth and gums. Anaerobic bacteria present in the mouth start producing sulfur compounds by chemical process in these particles, which causes bad breath. 

Problems also occur due to these reasons

According to Dr. AP Singh, the reason for bad breath can also be not cleaning the mouth and teeth properly. This causes cavities in the teeth. Apart from this, sometimes the smell is also due to false teeth. Swollen gums, pyorrhea and not cleaning the tongue properly can also be the reason for bad breath.

Home remedies can provide relief

Let us tell you that many home remedies can provide relief from bad breath. For this, mix a pinch of salt in mustard oil. By massaging the gums with this, bad breath will go away. Apart from this, roasting and chewing cloves and liquorice can also provide relief from bad breath. If you eat half a teaspoon of fennel after eating food, then there will be no bad breath. You can also get relief from bad breath by consuming basil and mint."text-align: justify;">These tips will also be useful

If you want to get relief from bad breath, then brush your teeth after waking up in the morning and before sleeping at night. While brushing, you should also clean your tongue properly. If you are not brushing after eating, then rinse your mouth. This also removes bad breath. Eating cloves and cardamom suppresses bad breath.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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