What happens if the world runs out of petrol, how will life continue?

What happens if the world runs out of petrol, how will life continue?

From the beginning of life on earth till now, a lot of changes have been seen in the lifestyle and living of humans. In the coming times, there will be many countries in the world where there will be no petrol-diesel vehicles. There are many countries in the world where petrol-diesel vehicles have almost gone out of use. But it is not that if there is no petrol-diesel then life is impossible, rather an alternative solution can be found for it.

The economy of many countries is dependent on petrol and diesel

Have you ever imagined what effect it will have on our lifestyle if petrol and diesel run out in the world. The common man’s life is very troubled by the rising prices of petrol and diesel. It has become a problem not only for India but also for people of Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and many other countries. However, a day will come when there will be no petrol and diesel in the world and neither will the country or the city be able to use it. Because petrol and diesel are also extracted from under the earth.

In the present times, petrol and diesel are being used in most of the vehicles in almost the entire world. The economy of many countries is completely dependent on petrol and diesel. Many times, shortage of petrol and diesel has been seen during the war. Even at that time, work is done to reduce its consumption. The use of petrol and diesel also causes a lot of damage to the environment.

Many countries will be free after 2030

According to a report, there are about 1.2 billion vehicles in the world. By the year 2035, the number of these vehicles is expected to increase to about 2 billion. In the present times, many such vehicles have come in the market which do not require petrol or diesel. Many countries are working towards becoming petrol-diesel free by the year 2030 and some by the year 2045. If everything goes well, in the coming times, vehicles will run on hydrogen, electric, gas and solar instead of petrol-diesel. Allegedly, the Modi government has set a target of running without petrol-diesel by the year 2030. That is, there can also be a step to ban the sale of vehicles running on petrol-diesel. It is worth noting that petrol is used in many places including cars, airplanes, etc.

will have a considerable impact
The absence of petrol and diesel will have a direct impact on many things. Most trucks run on petrol and diesel. If petrol and diesel are stopped, goods will be loaded on the truck but less goods will be able to be transported than before. There will also be a lot of delay in the transportation of goods, because vehicles running on petrol and diesel run faster than electric vehicles. This will also affect airlines because most planes run on petrol. Its effect can also be seen on ships and submarines because they also run on it.

Demand for electric vehicles
Looking at the situation of petrol and diesel all over the world including India, people are moving towards alternative arrangements. Many countries and India are moving towards electric vehicles. In today’s time, fuel has become very important for vehicles. Without fuel, a vehicle cannot move even four steps ahead. Along with the world, India is also moving rapidly towards electric vehicles. According to a recently released report, 87,927 electric cars were registered in India in 2023. India will move even faster towards electric vehicles in the coming times. Recently, Anand Mahindra has talked about bringing air taxi which will be completely electric. Electric bike has come in the market while work is also being done on bringing electric tractor.

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