Myth Vs Fact: Should you not exercise during pregnancy? Know the correct answer

Myth Vs Fact: Should you not exercise during pregnancy? Know the correct answer

The question often arises whether exercising during pregnancy is safe or not. Exercising in the right way and with the advice of a doctor can be beneficial in pregnancy. Today we will know which exercises should be done, what are their benefits and in which situations exercise should be avoided. Start any exercise only with the advice of a doctor so that both mother and child remain healthy.

Benefits of exercise

  • Reduces stress: Exercise reduces stress and improves mood.
  • Physical fitness: Exercise keeps the body fit and active, which can make delivery easier.
  • Relief from back pain: Regular exercise provides relief from back pain. Exercise strengthens muscles and increases flexibility of the body, which reduces back pain and makes you feel relaxed.
  • Increases energy level: Exercise increases energy level and reduces fatigue.

Which exercise should you do?

  • Walking: Walking is the easiest and safest exercise. Walking for 30 minutes every day is beneficial.
  • Pregnancy Yoga: Special yoga poses are beneficial for pregnant women. These are good for both mother and child.
  • Swimming: Swimming strengthens the muscles of the whole body and is completely safe.

When should you not exercise?

  • Bleeding or spotting: If you are bleeding, you should not exercise.
  • High blood pressure: If you have high blood pressure, you should avoid exercise.
  • Medical conditions: You should consult a doctor in case of any medical condition.

Doctor’s advice is necessary
Every woman’s pregnancy is different, so it is very important to consult a doctor before starting any exercise. The doctor will give the right advice after looking at your health and pregnancy condition. This will help you know which exercise is safe for you and your baby. Avoid exercising without doctor’s advice, as it can be dangerous. With the guidance of a doctor, you can choose the right exercise, which will benefit you and your baby and both of you will remain healthy. 

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