What will happen if there is a hole in astronauts space suit know facts science

What will happen if there is a hole in astronauts space suit know facts science

If any astronaut goes into space, it is necessary for him to wear a spacesuit, It is not possible to go to space without a spacesuit, Actually the spacesuit has tubes woven into it would have been Are, Water flows through this tube to keep the astronauts cool., There itself Spacesuit a backpack in the back of Would Is, oxygen in this backpack would have been Is, So that the astronauts can breathe and it also removes carbon dioxide, which astronauts exhale through their breath, This shows that this is extremely important for astronauts., In such a situation, have you ever thought what will happen if there is a hole in the space suit?, Let us know,

What happens if there is a hole in your spacesuit?,

Astronauts perform their tasks in space wearing spacesuits, In such a case, if a stone hits the spacesuit and creates a hole in it, So the air from the suit will leak out into space in no time, resulting in very low pressure inside the suit, This will burst the astronaut’s arteries, Which means that the astronaut will die at that very moment.,

What will happen to the astronaut in space without a spacesuit,

According to the scientists, If a person goes into space without the protection of a spacesuit, he will die immediately, Loss of air pressure and exposure to the vacuum of space would make it nearly impossible for astronauts to breathe,

At that time the blood and water present in the human body will start boiling, Since the blood vessels inside the nose are weak, the nose will bleed first., In this way internal bleeding will start in our body, Which would cause immediate death of any person, Let us tell you that space suit is quite expensive too.1974 In 2015, NASA revealed that a spacesuit would cost around 15-22 ranges between a million dollars, which today is approximately 83-122 It will cost up to millions of dollars, which cannot be purchased by a common man.

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