Excessive use of mobile leads to nobophobia know how to avoid it problem

Excessive use of mobile leads to nobophobia know how to avoid it problem

Today, there is hardly anyone who does not use a mobile. Mobile phone and internet are one of the most used things by humans. But do you know that excessive use of mobile phone can make you a victim of a serious disease. Yes, using mobile phone too much is also a disease. Today we will tell you about noophobia, which is caused by using mobile phone too much.


Everyone uses mobile phones and the internet these days. But you must have noticed that some people are always busy with their mobile phones. Not only this, due to lack of network and internet, sometimes some people start feeling restless. Let us tell you that this restlessness and stress is called nomophobia. In simple language, this no-mobile-phobia is the fear of not having a mobile. According to experts, this is a psychological condition. When people suffering from this phobia are away from their smartphone or digital device, or there is low battery or lack of internet connectivity, they start feeling nervous, anxious and afraid. Today we will tell you what are its symptoms and causes and how you can protect yourself and other children and members of the house from this.

The biggest symptom of nobophobia is the fear of going to a no-network area. People who suffer from nobophobia are afraid of going to a no-network area. Apart from this, battery draining when the phone is nearby, no network, checking the phone repeatedly, having trouble keeping the phone away from oneself and panicking and getting stressed when there is no internet connection are also symptoms of nobophobia.

How to overcome nobophobia?

To protect yourself from nobophobia, it is most important to be disciplined. For this, you will have to use the mobile phone limitedly. Apart from this, you should keep the mobile phone away from yourself and keep yourself busy in other work. Keep the notifications on only for the most important things in the phone, mute the rest of the notifications. By doing this, you will be able to control the habit of checking the mobile repeatedly. Apart from using the mobile, you should also try to do some productive work. Like going for a walk, playing outdoor games and reading books.

Apart from mobile phone, one should also have physical conversation with family members and friends. This can help in avoiding continuous use of mobile phone. Mobile phone should be used as little as possible even outside the house. Most importantly, one should spend less time on social media and avoid scrolling for hours unnecessarily. The habit of reading books should be encouraged.

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