Flood water entered the house, fishes were seen swimming like this, a foreigner shared the video and said such a thing!

Flood water entered the house, fishes were seen swimming like this, a foreigner shared the video and said such a thing!

It is raining continuously in many parts of the country, due to which the possibility of flood has increased. In many areas, water has also reached inside the house. But this is not the first time that flood has disrupted life. Such natural disasters are seen and heard almost every year. But is water-logging on the roads, flood-like situation seen only in India? Do floods not occur in foreign countries? Many such questions may arise in the minds of some people. In such a situation, let us tell you that floods also occur in foreign countries. In China, it has rained so much in 1 day that flood conditions have arisen there. Videos related to floods are also becoming increasingly viral on social media. Today we are going to show you a video of flood shared by a foreigner, in which flood water has entered inside a house. Fishes and frogs are swimming. The view outside also looks like an ocean. This is from some area of ​​India.

This video has been shared on Instagram by Felipe Mattos (@fmattosh). He has mentioned India in the hashtag and has written in the caption that aquarium? What is this for? Actually, Felipe had probably come to India for a trip, during which heavy rains caused flood conditions. At first glance, this video appears to be from Kerala. Felipe had stayed at home instead of a hotel. Floodwater entered the house he was in after heavy rains. Not only were fishes seen swimming on the floor, but frogs had also entered. When Felipe opened the door of the house to show it, the view outside was like an ocean. There was water from the pond in front to the courtyard of the house. Land was not visible far and wide. The outside gates also appeared to be completely submerged in water.

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