Surgical needle remained in the spine for 6 years, know how dangerous it is

Surgical needle remained in the spine for 6 years, know how dangerous it is

A shocking case has come to light in Karnataka where due to the negligence of the doctors during the surgery of a woman, a surgical needle was left in her spine. Due to this negligence, the woman had to suffer continuous pain and troubles for 6 years. This incident shows how dangerous medical negligence can be and how a mistake can affect the life of the patient. Let’s know the whole story of this case..

Pain after surgery
In 2004, 46-year-old Padmavati was admitted to Deepak Hospital in Bangalore for surgery. A few days after the surgery, she started having pain in her stomach and back. The pain kept increasing, but the real cause of the pain could not be found. She consulted several doctors, got ultrasound and other tests done, but none of the tests revealed the real cause of the pain. Even after taking painkillers for several years, she did not get relief.

No solution to pain
She took different medicines for many years to get relief from the pain, but the pain did not reduce. Padmavati’s pain had increased so much that her daily life had become very difficult. Due to the pain, she was not able to do even normal activities and was also very mentally disturbed. 

Negligence detected
After suffering pain for about 6 years, a detailed examination in 2010 revealed that a 3.2 cm surgical needle was stuck in her abdomen. This needle was in her spinal cord, causing her unbearable pain and mental trauma. It was because of this needle that Padmavati had to suffer pain and discomfort for so many years. After this, Padmavati underwent surgery in another hospital and the needle was removed. 

Consumer Forum’s order
Karnataka State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission took strict action in this case. The commission imposed a fine of Rs 5 lakh on Deepak Hospital of Bengaluru and two doctors. This fine was imposed for the negligence during Padmavati’s surgery, in which the doctors accidentally left the surgical needle in her spinal cord.

Compensation on insurance company too
Along with this, New India Assurance Company Limited, which had given insurance policy to the hospital against the risk of negligence, was also ordered to pay compensation. The insurance company will have to pay a compensation of Rs 5 lakh to Padmavati. This decision was taken so that both the hospital and the insurance company understand their responsibility and such negligence does not happen in future.

Cost of the case
Apart from this, Padmavati was also given Rs 50,000 as cost of the case. This amount was given to compensate for the expenses incurred by her to get justice.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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