Sugar is bad for health but what is the best time to have sugary food

Sugar is bad for health but what is the best time to have sugary food

Most people like to eat sweets but do you know what is the right time to eat sweets? For your information, let us tell you that eating sweets at the wrong time causes serious damage to health. Many people eat sweets as soon as they wake up in the morning, while many people eat sweets before sleeping at night. Let us know in detail whether doing this is right? Let us know what is the right time to eat sweets?

Should we eat sweets in the morning?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is true. But do you know that eating sweets in the morning ruins the whole day? Actually, eating sweets increases the sugar level in the blood rapidly. Due to which there is a problem of fatigue, irritability and stomach upset. Sweet food lacks essential nutrients like protein, fiber and vitamins. Due to which there is a lack of nutrition in the body.

Right time to eat sweets?

The best time to eat sweets is after lunch because the body burns calories comfortably throughout the day. You can eat sweets after lunch but eating sweets anytime in the morning or evening can prove to be dangerous for health.

Sweets should be eaten about 1 hour after lunch but should not be eaten immediately after eating. This can cause bloating and discomfort. Eating sweets after lunch can increase the blood sugar level in the body. It is very important to take a short walk after eating sweets.

Disadvantages of eating sugar

Acne problem

Eating too much sugar increases acne on the skin. This is because the increase in the sugar level in the body increases inflammation in it. Due to which problems like pimples, blackheads and whiteheads can occur on the skin. Due to these, you may start looking old.

Increased inflammation

Eating too much sugar triggers an inflammation response in the body. This causes inflammation in the skin. Due to this, the risk of diseases like psoriasis and eczema in our skin increases a lot. Inflammation in the skin can also cause many other skin related problems. Due to which you will start looking older.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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