Desert in Afghanistan will soon become suitable for farming Qosh Tepa Canal Amu Darya Taliban

Desert in Afghanistan will soon become suitable for farming Qosh Tepa Canal Amu Darya Taliban

Afghanistan, which once made headlines in the world due to its terrorism, is currently working on such a project from which even the biggest countries should learn. This work being done by Afghanistan will give a new lease of life to the people living there. There will be prosperity in the lives of the farmers and the economic condition of the country will also be strengthened.

Actually, a large area of ​​Afghanistan is desert. Also, there is a shortage of water in many areas of the country, due to which there are drought-like conditions there. The government there is now engaged in making it green. The government is building a canal from Amu Darya whose length is about 285 kilometers. This canal has been named Qosh Tepa Canal. Which will start from Kaldar and go up to Balkh province. The areas which will be covered by this canal are desert in a large part due to which farming is not possible there. But now with the construction of this canal being done by the government, the area will become green.

Farmers will use the water of this canal for irrigation. After the water arrives, many crops including wheat will be grown in these areas. Also, the grains and other crops grown here will be exported to other countries. The work of planting trees on the banks of this canal has also started. After the canal is built, water will be supplied to the fields with the help of water pumps.

Afghanistan is land locked

According to reports, the digging of this canal has been completed for more than 100 kilometers. However, a lot of problems are being faced in this. Due to this canal construction, there may be a shortage of water in Uzbekistan. But every step is being taken to complete this project. Let us tell you that Afghanistan is a landlocked country. No part of this country touches the sea.

Turkmenistan has also built a canal in the desert

Before Afghanistan, Turkmenistan had also done such a feat. This country had built the Karakum Canal in the desert. It is one of the world’s largest irrigation and water supply canals. With the help of this canal, water was transported to the Karakum desert. Where farming is now done on a large scale. The construction work of the Karakum Canal started in 1954. Which was completed in the year 1988. Its length is 1,375 kilometers. Water is taken from the Amu Darya for this canal.

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