Should We Eat Curd In Winters Know Health Benefits And Risks

Should We Eat Curd In Winters Know Health Benefits And Risks

Curd In Winters: Curd is rich in many nutrients. It contains many such essential nutrients, which greatly benefit the body. Curd contains nutrients like calcium, protein, vitamin B12, vitamin B-2, potassium and magnesium. Eating this strengthens the body and bones. Curd also works to protect against acidity, bloating and gas. It is also known as a probiotic-rich food, which is helpful in maintaining gut health. Curd can prove to be very beneficial for people going through problems related to digestion.

People like to eat it in the summer season. However, in the winter season, people refrain from eating it thinking that it will give them cold and cough. Parents also forbid children to eat curd in winter, especially at night. Let us know whether curd should be consumed in winter or not.

Many nutrients in curd

A nutritionist has debunked many myths about eating curd in winters. He said that curd is considered very nutritious food. It is loaded with good bacteria like- lactobacillus acidophilus, lactococcus lactis, lactococcus lactis cremoris etc. and good quality protein. Eating this provides nutrients like calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B2 and B12.

It is a myth that curd should not be consumed at night. The truth is that eating it in winter can give you comfort. It releases an amino acid called tryptophan in the brain, which is helpful in speeding up brain functions. It is also said that lactating mothers should avoid the consumption of curd, as it can cause cold in both the mother and the child. Although this is not true. Because only the nutrients from curd will reach the baby through breast milk. This will not cause any cold or infection, because there is plenty of immunoglobulin in breast milk.

Many benefits of eating curd in winter

1. Curd helps in digestion. It manages the pH balance in the body, which prevents acid build-up. Curd helps a lot in digestion by preventing acidity.

2. Curd has many properties. It is beneficial for healthy and glowing skin. It contains natural moisturizing components to protect the skin from dryness. People who have acne due to gastrointestinal problems. Curd proves helpful for them.

3. Curd is rich in vitamins, magnesium, potassium and protein. The presence of Lactobacillus works to keep dangerous bacteria and infections away from the body. Vitamin C present in curd is a better remedy for the treatment of cold and cough.

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