Know What Is The Problem Of Blind Pimple And How To Treat It

Know What Is The Problem Of Blind Pimple And How To Treat It

Blind Pimple: If pimples come out on the face, then there is a stain in beauty, but there are some pimples which are not visible to us, they are under the skin and they can remain under the surface of the skin for a long time. Due to this, you can experience pain and swelling, although these pimples cannot be noticed from a distance, but you can feel yourself on the surface of the skin.

Like other pimples, this pimple does not have a head, it is not visible from a distance but it is known after touching it with the hand. We know it as blind pimple, if this happens on the skin, then the skin starts getting damaged gradually. Those who can spoil the beauty, it does not heal quickly.

What is the cause of blind pimple

  • bacteria and dead skin
  • medical history
  • family history
  • Side effect of any cosmetic product Air pollution or humidity
  • fast exfoliation

This is how you will get relief in blind pimple

PressIf there is a blind pimple, do not press it or try to burst it, it can cause scars on the skin, but the pimples will not be cured, by doing this the pimples can grow even more.

Warm CompressTo cure this type of pimple, it is necessary to foment it with hot water, take a cotton cloth for use and squeeze it after putting it in hot water. Then apply as much hot cloth as you can tolerate and apply it on the affected area. After training, make sure that you keep this part absolutely clean.

Tea tree oil-Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties, which help in killing pimple-causing bacteria. It is beneficial in curing mild to moderate pimples, you can use it by mixing it in any facial oil, if you want, use this oil 2 times a day.

apply ice This problem has happened in the summer and if you feel burning sensation in it, then to get rid of it immediately, you can apply ice on it, it can give instant relief.

Take steam You can take steam to get rid of blind pimples, it opens the pores of the skin and brings out the dirt. Keep in mind that do not touch the pimple.

Clean face-Pimples are more due to external pollution than internal toxins, so always keep the face clean, wash the face with water three to four times a day.

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