Risks and causes of liver cancer Liver cancer is uncommon in the UK

Risks and causes of liver cancer Liver cancer is uncommon in the UK

Liver disease is life-threatening and dangerous. Liver cancer is often called a silent killer. That is because when this disease starts in the body, no specific symptoms are visible. And when it is detected, the disease is in its last stage. According to the Lancet report, liver cancer is a silent killer. And in England, the number of patients suffering from this disease is continuously increasing. Every day about 25 people are dying due to liver disease. This figure is increasing every year. At the same time, the number of patients suffering from other diseases is decreasing. Liver cancer often occurs due to chronic liver disease.

The state of liver cancer in the UK

Cancer is the fastest growing cause of death in the UK. Liver disease statistics cannot be linked to its prevention, as alcohol, obesity and viral hepatitis are responsible for 90% of cases. Now, in its July 2023 update, the UK Office for Health Improvement and Disparities has once again drawn attention to the burden of liver disease in England.

The number of patients admitted to hospitals that treat liver disease increased by 22% from 2020-21 to 2021-22 and has increased by a staggering 47% since 2011-12. According to the latest update, liver disease hospitalization rates were highest in the United States and lowest in the South East.

Lancet report

For alcohol-related liver disease alone, hospital admissions increased by 11·7% between the 2021 and 2022 financial years, and by 65·5% over the past 10 years. Rates of alcohol-related liver disease also differ significantly between North and South patient populations. These admission data match the March 2023 update, which showed a 63·6% increase in premature deaths from liver disease over the past 20 years.

Causes of Liver Cancer
Experts say that there is not just one but many causes of liver cancer. These include viral infections like Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, which can increase the risk of liver cancer. Apart from this, liver cirrhosis, smoking, excessive drinking, obesity and diabetes are also considered to be the causes of liver cancer. Coming in contact with harmful chemicals used in farming can also cause liver cancer.

Symptoms of Liver Cancer

Symptoms of liver cancer can include problems like bloating, stomach pain, vomiting and fatigue. When liver cancer becomes severe, the color of the skin changes. It becomes yellowish. Eyes also start appearing yellow. There are problems of itching and weight starts decreasing rapidly. If such symptoms are seen, one should immediately consult a doctor and get tested.

How to prevent liver cancer

1. Quit alcohol and cigarettes immediately
2. Reduce obesity
3. Diabetes patients should keep their blood sugar level under control
4. Make sure to get the hepatitis B vaccine
5. Keep getting regular screening done for diseases like liver cirrhosis.

Liver cancer treatment

Surgery is required in liver cancer. In severe cases like cirrhosis, liver transplantation may be required. In the case of locally advanced cancer, intra-arterial therapy is used. In metastatic cancer, immunotherapy and anti-angiogenic therapy are useful.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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