50 Year Old John Abraham’s Fitness Secret: 51 Eggs and 2 Hours of Intense Workouts

50 Year Old John Abraham’s Fitness Secret: 51 Eggs and 2 Hours of Intense Workouts

John Abraham, the famous Bollywood actor, is not only known for his powerful roles in films, but is also in the news for his tremendous fitness. Even at the age of 50, his body is so fit that even youngsters dream of having a body like his. But do you know that to get this amazing body, John has not eaten his favorite thing for 25 years? Come, let’s know the secret of his fitness and the special tricks that he adopted.

John’s favorite thing he left behind
To maintain his fitness, John Abraham has not eaten his favourite sweet Kaju Katli for 25 years. John believes that giving up sugar is the biggest secret to stay fit. Sugar adds extra calories and fat to the body, which leads to weight gain.

John’s fitness routine
John Abraham’s body is the result of his hard work and discipline. He works out in the gym for 2 hours every day in the morning and evening. His workout includes weight training, cardio and strength training. John says that along with hard work, proper diet is also very important for fitness. He is a strict vegetarian and takes special care of protein in his diet.

eats 51 eggs every day
John Abraham eats 51 eggs every day to maintain his fitness. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which helps in strengthening the muscles. John believes that a protein-rich diet is very important for his muscular body. He considers eggs an important part of his diet and eats it regularly. Not only this, despite being a vegetarian, he takes adequate amount of protein, which provides all the necessary nutrients to his body. This is the reason why his fitness is amazing even at the age of 50.

John’s advice for fitness
John Abraham believes that if you also want a fit body like him, then you have to pay attention to your diet and workout. John has kept sugar and unhealthy food away from his diet for years, due to which his body is so fit even at this age.

What can you do?

  • If you also want to achieve fitness like John Abraham at the age of 50, then you will also have to include some things in your life.
  • Reduce your sugar intake: Giving up sugar can be difficult, but reducing it gradually will make a big difference.
  • Protein-rich diet: Increase the amount of protein in your diet, such as eggs, pulses and nuts.
  • Regular workout: Exercise for at least 1-2 hours every day. If you don’t get time to go to the gym, then workout at home.
  • Discipline and dedication: Regularity is very important for fitness. Maintain discipline in terms of diet and exercise.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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