The couple returned home from their honeymoon, the wife decided to divorce him, the decision was taken because of an unknown girl she met on the trip!

The couple returned home from their honeymoon, the wife decided to divorce him, the decision was taken because of an unknown girl she met on the trip!

After marriage, the newlywed couple goes for a honeymoon where they get to know each other and spend time alone so that their bonding can be strengthened. But sometimes something happens on the honeymoon that leads to a fight between the husband and wife. A wife recently told such a thing about her honeymoon experience on social media (Wife plan divorce after honeymoon) that people were surprised. She told that due to that experience, there was a small fight between them, but she made up her mind to get a divorce as soon as she returned. All this happened because of an unknown girl, whom they met on the trip.

Recently, a woman wrote a long post on the group r/TwoHotTakes of the social media platform Reddit and while explaining her problem, asked people if she was thinking in the right direction? (Husband wife relationship issues) She wrote that she is 30 years old and her husband is 29 years old. They got married recently and have returned after celebrating their honeymoon. There, they met a 27-year-old girl who was a solo traveler. The husband and wife were very impressed to see that solo traveler. During the conversation, the husband later told that he had liked some of that girl’s Instagram stories and also reacted to those stories. They enjoyed their honeymoon a lot and returned home.

WIBTA if I ended my marriage on the day we got back from our honey moon?
byu/didntknowpickingaus inTwoHotTakes

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