A 2 year old child touched such a plant, blisters appeared on his skin, his life was in danger!

Everyone wants to plant flowers and plants in the garden of their house, so that greenery remains. But even if a poisonous plant grows near your house by mistake, it can be fatal for your child. Now look at this 2 year old child. Early in the morning, mother went out for a walk with him. But it touched a poisonous plant near the house. Then the condition occurred that blisters appeared on the skin. Had to be cut and taken out. Otherwise there was danger of losing one’s life.

According to the Metro report, this family living in Somerset, England had gone out for a walk as usual. But 2-year-old Kevon Wright, while walking, reached a plant on the side of the road. After that there were red spots on his face and hands. Initially it seemed that it was chickenpox, but within a few hours these rashes turned into painful blisters. The condition became so bad that he had to be immediately admitted to the burn unit. The doctors could not understand how this happened?

Blisters all over the face
Two days later, it was found out that the reason for his condition was Hogweed Plant. Samantha Morgan, the child’s mother, said that he was getting the same kind of burning sensation as if boiling oil had been thrown on someone. Blisters covered his entire face and spread to the entire inside of his mouth. There was a big blister on the cheek, from which pus was oozing. When we went to the Bristol burns unit they had to remove some skin. That was the most terrifying moment. I will never forget my son’s scream. The doctors were removing his skin, and he was screaming. He was in so much pain that he became completely lethargic. He was just lying on the hospital bed with his hands and legs bandaged.

hogweed extremely poisonous plant
Hogweed is a very poisonous plant. If it gets applied on the skin, then as soon as it comes in the light, the ultraviolet rays of the sun start burning the skin. The pain is so intense that it feels as if someone is burning you with fire. Hogweed juice contains harmful chemicals called furanocoumarins which when combined with sunlight can cause phytophotodermatitis. This causes severe swelling in the skin. Even if proper treatment is not done, it can lead to death.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Khabre hatke, Weird news

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