A 33-year-old man died agonizingly due to the bite of a pet cat, even 15 operations could not save his life!

Pet cat bites on 33 years owner: Keeping pets at home is a hobby of many people. Among these, the animals that people keep more, include dogs and cats. Often you must have seen that people start putting their hands in the mouth of these animals while playing, but after the incident that we are going to tell you today, you will not make any such joke with cats other than dogs.

It is often said that timely vaccination of domesticated animals is very important. Heinrich, 33, was bitten by one of the cats that grew up in his house, but he did not know that this would become the cause of his death. Even after 15 operations, they could not save him from a painful death. According to the report of Daily Mail, he had to be hospitalized for a month, after which he died.

pet cat bitten on the finger
Henrik Kriegbaum Platner, a resident of Denmark, adopted a cat and its children in the year 2018. He was taking them with him to shift when one of them bitten his finger. Heinrich was taking it as a joke, but in a short time his hand swelled so much that he reached the hospital. The doctors admitted him and he remained there for a month. During this he had 15 operations, but to no avail. Even after 4 months of the incident, his finger was not working properly, after which the doctors decided to amputate a part of the finger.

painful death in agony
Heinrich did not get relief even after cutting the finger. According to his mother, Heinrich’s immune system was very bad due to this incident. He got pneumonia, arthritis and diabetes and finally Heinrich died in October this year. Actually, due to the bite of the cat, he got infected with flesh-eating bacteria. According to Heinrich’s wife, her husband’s death was due to a mole, in such a situation, no one should take the incident of cat bite lightly, it can be fatal.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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