A 4-year-old child fell from the 16th floor, people ran to save him and witnessed the ‘miracle’!

It is said that no one can kill the person whom God himself wants to keep in this world. Similarly, no one can save the person who has to die. We are saying this because the dead die even after falling from the roof and if someone has to survive, then nothing will happen to him even after falling from the 16th floor.

A similar strange incident has come to light in France. People started rubbing their eyes after seeing a child in such a condition that after falling from such a height that the chances of survival are almost nil. They expected that they would take the child to the hospital in a very critical condition but they found him walking happily.

Child fell from the 16th floor
According to the website Oddity Central, the child is from Aubervilliers, France and his name is Enzo. The incident happened on May 26, where 4-year-old Enzo was crying in his room. When his father went to see him, he found that the door was locked from inside. Somehow the father broke the door and entered inside, but by then the child was not in the room and the window was open. Since they live on the 16th floor, the father was shocked. He saw from above that the child was lying covered in dust below and was not moving.

Then people saw a miracle
When the father and some other people reached the child, they could not believe the sight before them. They saw that Enzo was not only alive but he was able to walk. There was no wound on his body nor was there any bleeding. He only had a small scratch on his leg. However, the parents immediately took him to the hospital and kept him admitted for 7 days because they suspected internal injuries. It is a different matter that nothing was found except minor bleeding in the child’s kidney and lungs and he was discharged.

Tags: Amazing news, Viral news, Weird news

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