A different world is hidden beneath the roads of the big city, the network stretches for miles, it is still used today!

Bunkers from decades old World War are still used today. Yes, the world has been said to be standing on the brink of the Third World War for many years, it is surprising that the bunkers from the last World War are still in use today. One such unique bunker is in Birmingham, England which is connected to a special network. This bunker was built at the beginning of the Cold War after the Second World War, but its use even today is surprising.

The bunker is located beneath the streets of Birmingham, UK, with nuclear-proof walls and miles of concrete tunnels. Located 115 feet below the city, the complex bunker stretches from the BT Tower to Southside and beyond. The underground network was built in the 1950s and designed to protect against nuclear attack, with only a few people knowing how to access it.

Named “Anchor” after Birmingham’s jewel identity, the structure was built during the Cold War to protect Britain’s telecommunications from bomb attacks. BT staff are still using the tunnel for modern communications links, reports Birmingham Live.

The telecommunication cables laid beneath the city of Birmingham are laid under these roads. (Symbolic picture: Wikimedia Commons)

The secret bunker once housed generators and plant equipment that supplied the bunker with electricity, keeping the telephone exchange operational for months at a time. Large banks of telecommunications equipment were managed by about 20 trained staff. By the 1980s, advances in communications technology had rendered most of the equipment obsolete.

Many of the old rooms that housed the equipment are still intact, including a spooky canteen and mess room that once held pool tables. It’s likely the tunnels, which are completely closed to the public, will remain in use for years to come as they also contain vital cables that keep the city’s communications network running. Members of the public can visit the spooky canteen and mess hall that once held pool tables. It’s not the only Cold War bunker in Britain.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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