A man had shifted to a new house, he saw such a ‘truth’ about the property on TV, he lost his sleep, he packed his things and ran away…

Usually, when we shift to a place to live, we take information like who lived there earlier or how is the landlord. However, some people decide to live there just by looking at the rent and the house. Something similar happened with a person, in return of which he got to know something that shook the ground beneath his feet.

The man had no idea about the history of the house he had shifted to. When he came to know about it from a TV show, he was left sweating. The house where he was sitting on the sofa and watching this program was actually a crime scene. The boy had no idea about this at all.

The house I was staying in was the murder scene
A strange case has come to light in China’s Jilin Province. Here a boy who had just shifted to a house with his brother, came to know about the history of the house through a TV crime show. According to the report of South China Morning Post, the boy came to know from the story on the show that a murder had taken place in this house 10 years ago. Not only this, the dead body was lying on the same sofa on which he was sleeping. On knowing this, he called the landlord of the house, but the phone was not picked up. Finally he packed his bags and left from there.

the boy trembled with fear
The boy came to know that in March 2014, a girl had come to this property on behalf of her friends to show a rental flat. Later, her body was found wrapped in a red pillow inside the same flat. Pieces of the rent agreement were also found in the bathroom and the police caught both the suspects from the surveillance footage. The crime scene was shown properly in the program, only after which the boy realized that this was his house. As soon as he wrote this on the internet, people started commenting on it. He also told that he had got the property at a good rate. People were surprised that nothing had been changed in the property till date.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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