A man was renovating a new house, then he saw a hole in the floor, as soon as he removed the brick, he was stunned.

After buying a new house, everyone wants to renovate it as per their own. He wants to get all the things fitted as per the need, so that there is never any chance of vandalism in future. Shaniyah Lloyd, 28, and Ross Bennett thought the same. While renovating the house, a hole was seen in the floor. Bennett thought that perhaps something might be broken. This should be rectified. But as soon as he removed the brick, he saw something inside that left him stunned.

Ross Bennett said, we bought the house in November by investing around Rs 2 crore. After buying a house for the first time, we were very happy that we would get to live in our own house. We thought that we should get it repaired a little, so that there would be no problem when we go to live there. Therefore we decided to get it renovated. As soon as we reached the living room, we noticed a hole in the floor. Our dog Bruce was going in that direction again and again. We thought it might be broken. But as soon as the brick was removed, the view was surprising.

Secret well seen under the living room
There was a 10 feet secret well in the middle of the living room. Seeing this the workers working there got scared. Later we decided to get down. I thought there might be treasure beneath it. We should go down in search of him. But there was wet soil below and darkness all around. When we looked with torch, we saw a brick wall. I shouted. We couldn’t believe it. We were excited but also scared. I’ve seen The Ring and Silence of the Lambs, so I was a little nervous about it.

The house was built on the farm decades ago
Bennett said, when we checked it with the documents, we came to know that where our house was built, there used to be a farm earlier. A well was built beneath it, which was used for irrigation. Later a house was built on it. The special thing is that a house was built on it in the 1960s and later it was renovated and made new. When we bought it it was a new house. After seeing this we could not sleep the whole night. Bennett asked people what use they should make of this well. At present it has been covered.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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