A man was returning after making a film on aliens, he felt someone was following him, when he reached home and saw a UFO he was shocked!

You must have heard many stories about experiences of seeing UFOs. But have you heard someone say that after seeing a UFO, he was followed and on reaching home he had the same experiences as he had while seeing and filming the UFO? Not a common man but a UFO expert has claimed that something similar has happened to him. The person narrated the entire story in which he also tried to find out whether all this was his delusion or something else?

A UFO investigator has spotted a strange orb he thinks may have followed him home after visiting the “British Roswell”. Mark Christopher Lee was making a film in Rendelsham, Suffolk about a 1980 UFO incident that was reported there.

There was nothing unusual till here. But when Mark arrived home, he had a strange feeling that something must have followed him home since the shooting. He found it strange that, after working on completely unknown events, he returned home to find the same thing.

Mark tried his best to understand what kind of confusion he might be having. (Symbolic picture: Canva)

“The only question I ask is did we bring anything with us from Rendelsham Forest? Or was it something else?” Mark told the Daily Star. “It was certainly strange. At first I thought it was a plane but it wasn’t, the light was bouncing off. There are planes around, we get a lot of them as we live near Luton Airport.”

Mark was exploring all possibilities at that time. Because he wanted to be sure that he was not mistaken. He said, “It was not moving, planes come towards you or go away, it was just swinging a little from side to side. It was not a balloon, it was a gust of wind, so it could have moved more. It seemed like it was coming in and out.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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