A mother was sleeping with her 7-year-old son in a hotel, suddenly the curtain of the room shook, you will be shocked to know what happened next!

Who doesn’t like to go to another city with family during holidays, roam around there, stay in a hotel. But it is also very important to take special care of yourself and family during holidays. Not only while traveling, even if you are in a hotel room, you should pay a lot of attention to your safety. A woman recently told about a shocking experience of hers, after knowing which you will understand how important it is to take care of your own safety in a hotel room (Safety tips in hotel room).

She became suspicious when the curtains in the hotel room started moving. (Photo: Rachel Brown/SWNS)

According to the Daily Star News website, 42-year-old Rachel Brown went to Vilamoura, Portugal with her son to spend a week’s holiday in July. Her son is 7 years old. 22 July was her last day and she had a flight the next day. It was around 10:30 at night. Her son was asleep and she was also getting ready to sleep on the bed when suddenly she felt the curtains on the balcony of the room shaking (Woman shocked to see curtains twitching in hotel).

The thief jumped off the balcony and escaped to the other side. (Photo: Rachel Brown/SWNS)

The thief entered the room on the second floor
Suddenly an unknown person came out from behind the curtain. Seeing him, Rashiel was shocked. She understood that an unknown person had entered her room. She immediately got up and started fighting with that person. She pushed him out of the room, towards the balcony, with force again and again and started shouting. The person got scared and jumped from the balcony and started running out. Meanwhile, he caught Rashiel’s hand with his hands. In the tussle, Rashiel’s Apple watch remained in his hand and he ran away with it. Hearing their noise, the hotel staff reached there but there was no camera around the room, so it could not be known who that person was. Rashiel’s watch was also found among the bushes in the hotel premises.

The hotel people did not call the police
What surprised Rashiel the most was that her room was on the second floor. She had left the balcony door open thinking that who would try to climb to the second floor, but she was wrong. Rashiel was staying at Epic Sana Hotel. She told that the thief had entered the balcony of her room through the roof of the adjacent room. She had a flight the next morning, so she could not complain to the police at that time. She was very angry that the hotel staff also refused to call the police. When she reached her home, she informed the police about this incident through email and asked for a refund from the hotel for ruining her holidays, however, the hotel refused to give her a refund. Rashiel has now warned people that whenever they stay in a hotel, they must close the balcony of the room, because such accidents can happen to anyone.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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