A paradise like city was being built in the middle of the desert, suddenly something happened, it became a ‘skeleton’, no one goes there

There are many cities in the world which are built like dream cities. But not every dream comes true. Similarly, not every city has been able to reach its destination. One such city is in Iran, which was imagined as a paradise like city, but later something happened which no one expected. The Mehra Mer project in Pardis, Tehran, was supposed to be a hub of activity, but workers suddenly stopped work, leaving the project incomplete and the buildings decaying.

According to the Sun report, the project was designed between 2001 and 2011 to deal with Iran’s population crisis and housing shortage. It was considered an affordable and ready-made community with public transportation, hospitals, and schools. But the first construction itself was plagued with problems including faulty sewage system, heating, low water supply and intermittent electricity. Many buildings were also destroyed in the 2017 earthquake.

The plan was once seen as a major achievement of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s presidency, but it became one of Iran’s biggest failures and a major obstacle to his economic recovery. The project sought to provide housing for low-income families with the construction of 20 lakh housing units within five years.

There were many problems in this project, but today the local people use these buildings. (Symbolic photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Instead, it drove up prices, encouraged corruption and profiteering, and made affordable housing out of reach not only for the poor but also for the affluent. According to the Guardian report, signs of life can be found close to the town center of Pardis city, where residents are poor Afghan workers, conservative families from low-income parts of Tehran as well as surrounding villages.

Also read: This city has been burning in fire for decades, Mines are continuously burning underground. only 5 population of people left

Many people took to the social media platform Reddit to share their views. One user asked if there was any point in arranging buildings in this manner? Or are the pictures made only by copy pasting. While one said that it looks like a collection of mass graves.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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