A person set up a camp, when he showed the view inside the tent, people said- ‘What is the need for a house?’

No matter where we stay all day and how tiring our day has been, we forget everything as soon as we get our bed at home. This is the reason why everyone waits to go home, even if they are on a beautiful tour. However, today we are going to show you such a camping set up of a person, after which you will also feel like staying in it.

On a Facebook page, he has shared pictures of his camp and the view inside it, after seeing which people have fallen in love with it. The picture of every corner of it will impress you because it has been decorated very neatly. From flowers to bath tubs, everything is available inside the tent.

3 bedroom house or camp?
Pictures of the camping tent have been shared from a Facebook page named Blackpool Lad. It has a total place to stay for three people. There is a chair near every window of the camp. There are tables inside, on which candles are placed and vases of fresh flowers are placed. The color combination inside the tent is yellow and black, which is visible in the entire furnishing. It has 3 rooms and a dining table, which has two fold-out chairs. Fairy lights have also been installed for decoration in the tent, which is giving it a completely homely feel.

This tent is a 3 room house. (Credit- Facebook/FYBlackpoolLad)

People said- why go home?
Bathing during camping can be a big problem but arrangements for that are also made here. A bathtub has been placed inside the camp and it has been decorated with soap dispenser and scented candles. People have also made interesting comments on this. One user wrote – If I get such tents, then I will go on holidays. Another user wrote – Why carry so much stuff for just 74 hours of camping? Some people said that this is not a camp but a home, while some said get me a hotel instead.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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