A person suddenly came alive after death, while doing gym he started calling Yamraj, then when he came to know the truth, he started celebrating!

There are many people around the world who claim that they came back alive after dying. Such people also tell what happened to them after death. Did they go to heaven or hell? What did they see there? He tells all these things on social media or in conversation with any news agency. However, talking about coming back to life after death happens only with very few people. One such scary video is going viral on social media. In this video a person is doing bench press. His thin friend is helping him behind. But then suddenly the person doing bench press in the gym starts trembling and becomes unconscious for a moment or rather, he dies. The person standing behind somehow keeps the weight up. After just a few moments the person comes alive again and stands up. The name of this person is Casper Gurbin.

In this video going viral, you can see that a man in black pants is lifting weights while lying on a bench. A boy in a green T-shirt is standing behind to help him. While doing bench press, the legs of the person in black pants start bending. Gradually the weight starts leaving his hands and he falls down from the bench. In the caption of the video, the person has written, ‘I am dead’. As soon as the person falls down, the thin friend who is helping him slowly tries to lift the weight up and keep it in the right place. But then the unconscious person comes back to life. He stands up in surprise. It seems he doesn’t understand anything. But then he asks whether all this has been recorded? To this the thin boy replies that if you were recording all this, then it really happened.

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