A person used to catch grasshoppers from the forest and chew them like toffee, found out about such things related to insects, now he does not make this mistake!

Every child in India will be aware of the name of Bear Grylls. Bear Grylls is a former US Army soldier and TV presenter, who makes his shows while roaming in the jungle on channels like Discovery. You might have also seen him eating insects on TV. A person was so impressed by seeing Bear Grylls, that whenever he went to the Amazon forests, he would chew the insects present there raw. He thought that those insects were healthy. But when he came to know the truth related to those insects (Man eat Amazon insects), he was shocked and then he swore that he would never do this again.

According to the report of Daily Star News website, Amazon explorer Paul Rosolie recently participated in the Jordan Harbinger show. He told that whenever he used to trek in the jungles of Amazon, he used to pick up and eat the insects there like Bear Grylls. In fact, the local people living in the Amazon forests, who work as guides there, taught Paul how he can survive by living in the forest.

Man used to catch and eat locusts
After seeing and hearing them, they would catch insects like grasshoppers and then eat them to scare others. He said that Bear Grylls built his entire career on this basis, so he also wants to do the same. But now Paul does not do this even by mistake. That’s because once he got such information from a doctor, after listening to which he understood what a big risk he was taking. His uncle is a surgeon, and when he saw a video of Paul eating a worm, he explained why it shouldn’t be done.

There are parasites inside these organisms
When Paul told his doctor uncle that everything is clean in the forest, his uncle told him that it is not so, there are parasites inside the animals, which can enter the human body and make him sick, or Can even take life. Once he saw with his own eyes an example of what his uncle had said, he abstained from eating insects again. He once saw that a grasshopper landed on a flying candle and got stuck in its wax. As soon as it started burning, all the nematodes inside it started coming out through the back and fell on the ground. To confirm this, he once caught a half-dead cockroach and put it in a glass filled with water. As soon as the cockroach died and started getting wet from inside, parasites called nematodes started coming out from inside it and coming into the water. Then Paul came to know that creatures like grasshoppers and cockroaches are very big hosts.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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