A strange smell used to come in the kitchen of the house, the woman got worried, then two eyes were seen peeping, then…

It may have happened to you that you see something strange in a corner of the house or you start smelling something that you don’t recognize. If it is a store or a separate room then it is a different matter but if this smell is coming from the kitchen then it cannot be ignored. Something similar happened with a woman.

The woman was smelling a strange odor from the kitchen of her house. She could not understand where and why it was coming from. Meanwhile, she saw two eyes looking towards her. According to the report of Daily Star, this incident happened in the house of a 28-year-old girl named Jackie Felix, which she herself told to people.

A strange smell was coming from the kitchen
This incident happened in California, America. A girl named Jackie Felix lived in Union City. She was feeling some strange smell in her flat. At first she thought that the smell was coming from the dustbin of the house and she removed the dustbin from the kitchen and threw it out. When the smell did not reduce even after this, she felt something was wrong. When the girl removed her cooker from the wall, she found some animal’s feces there. The girl became even more scared and started looking around.

Two innocent eyes were peeking…
As soon as she removed her gas stove, she saw a small creature with a pink nose, which was looking at her. When the girl looked a little closer, she saw a possum there. Possum is a rat-like creature, which actually belongs to the kangaroo family. It had made the stove its home for several days. Jackie and her flatmate captured this creature in a jar after struggling for two hours.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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