A valuable thing was thrown in the hospital’s junk for 70 years, the doctor screamed on seeing it, immediately took it out

Many times people’s luck changes in a moment. Many times, people find things in such strange places which cannot even be imagined. Due to this, not only the fate of a person changes in a moment, but the incident also comes into discussion. Recently, a similar incident came to light from Bikaner Ker PBM Hospital, where a doctor of the dental department found such an thing in the junk there, which he himself was stunned to see.

Dr. Ranjan Mathur, Head of the Dental Department of PBM Hospital, saw a dental chair in the store a few days ago. As soon as he saw it, he understood that this was not just any such junk chair. This chair was used by dentists before the country became independent. Dr. Ranjan immediately got him out. After this he got it repaired with his own money. Now this dental chair can be used. This precious chair, which was lying in the junk for seventy years, has many unique features.

The chair came from abroad
According to hospital records, this chair was purchased in 1955. It was imported from abroad. But with time, as the equipment of the dental department started getting updated, this chair was also replaced. After this this old chair was thrown into the hospital’s junk. But before declaring the junk as condom, the head of the department noticed it and this priceless treasure was saved.

is so special
The chair used in the dental department today does not work in the absence of electricity. The electronic operative chairs of the dental department do not work due to electricity failure. But this chair of 1955 works with a hydro pump. Since it is manual, it does not depend on electricity. Dr. Ranjan spent eight thousand rupees from his own pocket to get the chair made and now it can be used in the department once again.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Shocking news, Viral news, Weird news

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