A woman who went on a trip abroad, had a party on an unknown beach, started vomiting the next day, came close to death!

A woman who went on a trip abroad, had a party on an unknown beach, started vomiting the next day, came close to death!

You probably know that the number of people dying from mosquitoes is very high. People take mosquitoes lightly, but they do not understand what a small mosquito can do to them. Even an American woman had no idea what could happen to her. The woman had gone on a trip abroad with her husband, when both of them were attacked by an army of mosquitoes. Biting by mosquitoes (Woman traveler attacked by mosquitoes) made their condition worse due to which both of them got dengue fever. But the woman’s health deteriorated further. After knowing what happened next, you will start being alert from today itself.

According to the report of Daily Star website, 32 year old Paisley Peach, resident of Colorado, USA, is a dancer. She had gone to visit the Southeast Asian country, Thailand with her 31-year-old husband Julien De Prince in September-October 2023. Both of them had gone to party on an island, when mosquitoes attacked them. He had applied tea tree oil to protect himself from the effects of mosquitoes, but the mosquitoes bit him badly.

The woman felt that her last hour had come, but her life was saved. (Photo: Paisley Peach)

Platelet count had reached 40 thousand
On October 3, he was bitten by mosquitoes and on the same night he contracted dengue fever. Paisley started having pain in his joints, he felt that his bones were breaking. She was not able to sleep. She felt that now she would not be able to survive, this was the last day of her life. Whenever she drank water, she would vomit. Paisley’s health worsened and he had to be immediately taken to the hospital. Blood test revealed that he had dengue. His blood platelet count had dropped to 40 thousand.

Mosquitoes cause death every year
Now she advises other tourists and backpacking tourists to use mosquito repellents before going to such places. He also advised people to get vaccinated so that dengue can be prevented. She somehow recovered after about 3 days. According to the report of isglobal website, every year around 10 lakh people die due to mosquitoes.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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