Aamras Recipe: Make Aamras full of taste in summer, you will get enough nutrition with taste, learn how to make


The arrival of mangoes starts in the summer season.
Apart from being tasty, mango is also a very healthy fruit.

Aamras Recipe: As soon as the summer season comes, aamras starts being made in the houses. Rich in taste as well as nutrition, aamras is liked by people of all ages. Many people relish puri with aamras. We all know about the benefits of mangoes, while the aamras made from mangoes is also no less in terms of quality. If you also like aamras, then you can easily make it anytime during the summer season. Its recipe is very easy and it does not take much time to make aamras.
If you are just learning to cook and have never made aamras till now, then our mentioned recipe can be very useful for you. You can prepare tasty and healthy aamras by following the simple method. Let’s learn the easy way to make aamras.

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Ingredients to make Aamras
Mango – 1 kg
Cold milk – 3 cups
Saffron – 1/4 tsp
Sugar – 1 cup (as per taste)
ice cubes

How to make Aamras
The method of making aamras is very easy and it is very important to choose well ripe mangoes to make it. If there is sourness in mango, then the taste of aamras can get spoiled. To make Aamras, first peel the mango and put its pulp in a deep bottom vessel. Keep in mind that the whole pulp should be removed from the mango peel. After this, take out the mango pulp by mashing the kernels properly.

Now put the mango pulp in a mixer jar and add sugar as per taste and blend it well by covering it with a lid. After blending for 1 minute, open the lid and put cold milk and saffron threads in it, cover the lid and blend again. After this, take out the aamras in a vessel. If you do not want to use a mixer, you can blend the aamras with the help of a churner.

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After taking out the aamras in a utensil, if you find it thick, then more milk can be mixed in it as per the need. After this, keep the utensil in the fridge for half an hour to cool down. After the fixed time, take out the aamras from the fridge. Tasty aamras is ready to serve. Pour it in a serving bowl and serve chilled by adding one or two pieces of ice cubes.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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