ABP News CVoter Survey On How Big Achievement India Becomes 5th Largest Economy Under Modi Govt

ABP CVoter Survey On Economy: India became the world’s fifth largest economy in September 2022. Since then, the BJP-led Modi government at the Center has been presenting it as a major achievement. The government has also expressed confidence that the country will become the third largest economy in the near future.

Recently, after inaugurating the Surat Diamond Bourse, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said that in his third term the country will be one of the top three economies of the world.

At the same time, on November 18 at around 10:30 pm, the size of India’s GDP crossed 4 trillion dollars, due to which the country came closer to becoming the fourth largest economy in the world. Germany is still at fourth position but its gap with India is now very less.

India has maintained the status of the fastest growing economy

According to a report by news agency PTI, this year (in 2023) India has decisively faced difficult situations at the global level and has maintained the status of the world’s fastest growing major global economy.

Due to increasing demand, decreasing inflation, stable interest rate scenario and strong foreign exchange reserves, the Indian economy continued to shine in 2023.

It is expected that India will remain the fastest growing major economy in the world. According to the latest growth estimates of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Indian economy will grow at a rate of 6.1 percent in 2024, while China’s growth rate will be 4.7 percent.

According to a report released by RBI on Thursday (December 28), the Indian economy is showing strong and stable growth momentum amidst the challenging global macroeconomic environment.

How do people see the achievements on India’s economy under the Modi government?

After all, how big an achievement is India becoming the world’s 5th largest economy under the Modi government? At the end of the year, ABP News tried to find out. C Voter has conducted a quick survey for ABP News and collected people’s responses on this question.

Maximum 48 percent of the people included in the poll believed that India becoming the fifth largest economy in the world under the Modi government is an ‘important achievement’. 20 percent people said that this is ‘not a significant achievement’. 16 percent people said that this is a ‘somewhat important achievement’. 11 percent people said that there is ‘no achievement’. At the same time, five percent people replied by saying ‘Can’t say’.

How big an achievement is India becoming the world’s 5th largest economy under the Modi government?
Source- C Voter
Important Achievement 48%
Somewhat important achievement 16%
20% not an important achievement
no achievement 11%
can’t say 5%

Note- on Sunday year 2023 It’s the last day of. There are Lok Sabha elections next year. Prime Minister of the country Narendra Modi C Voter has conducted a quick survey for abp news on the achievements of. Opinions of 2,263 people have been taken in this survey. The survey was done on 30th December. The margin of error in the survey is plus minus 3 percent to plus minus 5 percent.

Also read- How do people see the impact of Modi government’s welfare scheme? Shocking revelation in the survey

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