Adopt these easy home remedies to make cracked hands soft and supple.

The problem of torn hands has become a common problem among the people, due to which people often remain troubled. This problem is more prevalent in most women. Many times hands become dry after washing clothes or utensils. To avoid this, people apply a simple cream. But in today’s report, we will tell you that you can get relief from cracked hands by doing home remedies.

Reason for cracked hands

The problem of cracked hands can also be due to sunlight, pollution, excessive cleanliness. There are some remedies to make hands soft and smooth. You have to prepare a mixture at home by mixing cream and honey, then apply it on your hands every night before sleeping. This will make your hands soft and smooth.

Home Remedies

Apart from this, you can apply potato juice on your hands, it removes the problems related to hands. Keep in mind that wash hands 15-20 minutes after applying potato juice. Aloe vera gel is also a boon for hands. Apply this gel on your hands and massage it, it will provide relief. Applying slightly heated sesame oil on hands also makes hands soft. 

Remove tanning from hands

Mix glycerine and rosemary oil and apply it on your hands before sleeping at night. To solve the problem of cracked hands, mix lemon juice in a teaspoon of sugar and apply it on your hands and keep it for 15-20 minutes, then Wash it off. Apart from this, to remove tanning of hands, apply a mixture of curd and banana on your hands and clean your hands with soap free wash every night and apply moisturizer on them. By following these measures regularly, you can keep your hands soft.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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