African bush elephant is the largest land animal the blue whale is the wrong answer

Whenever we talk about the biggest creature on earth, the first name that comes to people’s mind is the blue whale. However, this creature lives in water. Let us tell you today which is the biggest creature in the world that lives on land. Along with this, we will also tell you the specialty of this creature and many other things about it.

Which creature is that

The world’s largest land animal is the African wild elephant. It is also called the African Bush Elephant. Its scientific name is Loxodonta africana. The average weight of these elephants can be from 4,500 to 6,800 kilograms and the height can be about 3 to 4 meters i.e. 10 to 13 feet. The ears of these elephants are much larger than those of ordinary elephants, which help in controlling their body heat. Its long trunk and large teeth are helpful in finding food and water.

Where do African bush elephants live?

African bush elephants are mainly found in the savannas, forests and grasslands of Africa. These creatures often live in herds, which also include female elephants and their children, while male elephants usually prefer to live alone after becoming adults or are found in small groups. Let us tell you, the social structure of elephants is very strong, in which female elephants lead and take care of the group members.

what do they eat

African bush elephants are herbivores and their diet consists of grass, leaves, tree bark and fruits. These elephants can eat about 150 kg of food in a day. Their special thing is that they can travel long distances in search of food. However, the life of African bush elephants is now in danger. Hunting, deforestation and loss of their habitat are posing serious threats to their existence. In fact, their illegal hunting for their teeth is a major problem, due to which their population is now declining.

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