after covishield new study find side effects of Covaxin read full article in hindi

There was an uproar in the entire country and the world regarding the side effects of Covishield. Now meanwhile, a report has also come regarding Covaxin. It has been clearly stated in this report that side effects have also been observed in those who have received Covaxin.

Report on side effects of Covaxin after Covishield

To avoid the Corona epidemic, people got the Covid vaccine. During the Corona epidemic, some people got Covishield installed. Some people got Covaxin. Just a few days ago, people were scared of the news of side effects of Covishield. A shocking report has also come out regarding Bharat Biotech’s company Covaxin. This entire research report has been done by the researchers of BHU (Banaras Hindu University). The report of this research has been published in Springer Link Journal.

Reaction of Covaxin manufacturing company Bharat Biotech

It has been clearly stated in this report that its side effects have been seen in about one third of the people who got Covaxin. As soon as this report has come to light, Bharat Biotech, the company manufacturing Covaxin, has also reacted. According to the company, many studies and research have been done on Covaxin in the past which have proved that it is completely safe. The safety track record of Covaxin is excellent.

What does research say?

One thousand 24 people were included in the research done on Covaxin. In which 636 people were 25 years old and 291 were youth. All these people kept following up for one year after getting the vaccine. Out of which 48 percent or 304 youth claim that they had to suffer from diseases like respiratory tract infection. Whereas 42.6 percent i.e. 124 youth started having problems with nerves, while 5.8 percent youth started having problems of pain in nerves, joints and bones after taking the vaccine.

Women are facing problems in their periods after the vaccine

According to the report, serious side effects of Covaxin have been seen in women. About 4.6 percent women are suffering from period related problems after taking the vaccine. Whereas 2.7 percent women are suffering from eye related problems. Not only this, some women were also found to have serious diseases like thyroid.

Before Covaxin, there was an uproar about Covishield

Some time ago, there was an atmosphere of fear among the people in India when the news of side effects of AstraZeneca company’s vaccine Covishield came in India. AstraZeneca company admitted in the British court that Covishield may have side effects. Due to this, the problem of Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) may occur.

Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS)

Due to this syndrome, blood clots start forming in the body. Due to which heart attack, stroke, platelets start falling rapidly. As soon as the company admitted the side effects in the British court, people in India were frightened.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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