After death, the dead body is fed to vultures, people are surprised to know such a tradition of last rites!

Famous industrialist Ratan Tata has passed away (Ratan Tata Death News). There is a wave of mourning in India due to his demise. He was a Parsi. The population of Parsis in India is very less. According to the 2011 census, there were 57,264 Parsis in India. However, Indian Persians contributed a lot in increasing the economy of the country. Tata family is an example of this. Another thing related to Parsis surprises the world. That is their funeral tradition. In Zoroastrianism i.e. Parsi Funeral Tradition, the mortal remains of those who die are neither burnt nor buried. Let us tell you what is unique in this tradition.

Famous businessman Ratan Tata has passed away. (Photo: Instagram/ratantata)

According to BBC report, there is a tradition among Parsis to keep the dead body in the Tower of Silence. It is called Dakhma. This is a place in Mumbai, where dead bodies are kept. Vultures are present here. The dead body is handed over to vultures. Who tear it apart and eat it. But it is worth thinking that why is the last rites like this in this religion?

In the Tower of Silence, dead bodies are fed to vultures. (Photo: Canva; Twitter/@creepydotorg)

This is why vultures feed corpses
In the religion of Zoroastrianism, life is considered a battle between darkness and light. When a person dies, it means he goes into darkness, which is also considered evil. They believe that when a person dies, evil powers take over his body. People do not want this evil power to be found in any element of nature. In this religion, earth, fire and water are considered the most important elements of nature. If they bury or burn the dead body, those evil powers will get mixed with these elements.

tradition is coming to an end
By feeding the dead body to vultures, those evil powers are not directly found in any element, but they are also found indirectly. Apart from this, the person who dies after feeding his dead body to vultures continues to donate it even after his death. This is considered to be the last donation of man. According to a report in The Hindu, this tradition is gradually ending among the Parsis because vultures are becoming extinct. Now the tradition of burning dead bodies is starting among Parsis.

Tags: Amazing news, Ratan father, trending news, Weird news

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