After delivery, not a single stretch mark will be visible, just follow these tips

Stretch Marks After Pregnancy: Many types of changes occur in the body of women during pregnancy. Some of these changes are such that their marks do not go away for years. One of these is stretch marks. The lines-like marks that form on the lower abdomen, breasts, hips and thighs during pregnancy are due to the growth of the stomach during the growth of the baby.

Due to this, the upper and lower layers of the skin get stretched. This causes collagen to tear and stretch marks are formed. These stretch marks look very bad and women face a lot of problems because of this. To remove it, they use home remedies, treatments or creams. But if some small things are taken care of during pregnancy, then not a single stretch mark will be visible after delivery.

What to do during pregnancy to avoid stretch marks

1. Maintain moisture in the skin

To avoid stretch marks after delivery, it is important to keep the skin moist. For this, castor oil should be applied on the skin from the first trimester. Apart from this, you can massage with coconut oil, rosehip oil, olive oil. This keeps the skin hydrated and can help in avoiding stretch marks. These oils contain elements that keep the skin healthy, which help in reducing blemishes.

2. Avoid water shortage

One should not be negligent in drinking water during pregnancy. During this time, one should drink plenty of water, which is also necessary for health. This keeps the skin hydrated from inside and does not cause dryness. Due to which the chances of stretch marks are also less. To fulfill the lack of water, you can also take coconut water and juicy fruits.

3. Do not scratch with nails

During pregnancy, when the baby grows, the mother’s weight also starts increasing. This causes the skin to stretch and itching problem starts. During this time, one should not scratch with nails even by mistake. This can also make the stretch marks deeper. For this, you can take the help of a soft cloth.

4. Apply cream or lotion

Some women do not want to apply oil on their skin during pregnancy. They can use creams or lotions containing vitamin E, hyaluronic acid and collagen. This will keep their skin hydrated and can also reduce problems like stretch marks. However, one should consult a doctor first for this.

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