After Killing Her Husband, A Woman Climbed A 50 Feet Tall Tree In Sonebhadra

Woman climbs 50 feet tall tree after killing husband
– Photo: Amar Ujala


In Sonbhadra, the wife had killed her husband with a sharp ax on Wednesday night in Parsatola village of police station area. She ran away from home after killing her husband. On Friday morning, tying a nylon rope around her neck, she climbed up about 50 feet on a Kahua tree on the bank of a drain about three hundred meters away from the house.

In the morning, when people went towards the drain, they raised hue and cry after seeing the woman on the tree. Hearing the noise, hundreds of people gathered around. People asked the woman to come down from the tree but she did not come down. She said that I killed my husband, now I will kill myself.

The villagers informed the Babhni police about this. As soon as the information was received, Inspector-in-charge Amit Singh, Senior Sub-Inspector RS Sharma, Head Constable Bharat Yadav Bhaiya Lal, Lady Constable Ranjana all reached the spot. The lady Sonamati was asked to get down but she said that now I have nothing to do with children and anyone else, I will die by hanging myself.

Due to the height of the tree, they were not able to muster the courage to climb up. Somehow the woman was coaxed and came down to 20 feet. Then she started climbing up. In the meanwhile, Bharat and brother Diwan and the pooran of the village climbed the tree and caught hold of the woman and took out the rope from her neck and brought her down.

The courage of both the head constables saved the woman from committing suicide. The woman said that some people of the village used to make my husband Jai Prakash drink alcohol and torture me. Because of this I killed my husband. Inspector-in-charge Amit Singh said that a sharp weapon has also been recovered on the mark of the woman.

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